how to best position yourself on Youtube as a mental health therapist

Have you ever wondered what type of YouTube Channel you should have? How can you best position yourself with the background of being a therapist in order for you to stand out?

When I first started my YouTube channel, I didn’t realize this was a thing. It was later on in my journey that I realized how important it is to position yourself properly as a key to being successful on YouTube.

Because if you don’t position yourself, it can be very confusing for your audience. For example, when you walk into a coffee shop, you are expecting to get coffee and maybe some pastry. In this coffee shop, you would be expecting there to be a coffee shop atmosphere–maybe with some jazz music, chill decoration, and some nice table and chair where you can sit down and chat with a friend or simply pull up your laptop and work.

However, if you walk into the coffee shop, you see one side of the wall with chill decorations, while the other side is selling some BBQ, and a corner has a food truck, you might be wondering “What is going on here?” It can be quite confusing and your consumers might have a difficult time deciding whether to stay or not, or to dine in here or not.

It’s the same when it comes to your YouTube channel. You want the moment your audience to see your channel, they have a clear understanding of what’s all about.

Here are the 3 things to consider to best position yourself on Youtube

1. Therapist VS Coach

    Your videos can reach audiences all over the world, literally. There are pros and cons regarding positioning yourself as a therapist. If you want to work with clients, and you position yourself as a therapist, you will be limited to only being able to work with clients in the States where you are licensed.

    The pros of positioning yourself as a therapist are that you have some authority and credibility.

    I think an ideal way is to position yourself as a coach or consultant while letting your audience know that you have a mental health background. For example, if your goal is to provide coaching services and classes in a specific niche, let’s say…relationship, then you can position yourself as a relationship coach and let your audience know that you have worked as a couples therapist. And your content you can focus on ways to better the relationship.

    2. Decide what type of Channel

    There are many types of channels and content that you can focus on. When you first start, make a decision on what type of channel you want to start with.

    Here are a list of different type of channel that you can consider:

    Educational and Informational Channel
    Therapeutic Techniques and Self-Help
    Personal Growth and Development
    Mindfulness and Meditation
    Interviewing Other Professionals
    Exam Preparation and Productivity

    These are just some examples. You can also do one that is focused on business strategies, or purely entertainment, depending on what you are passionate about.

    3. Know Your Niche and Your Audience

    When you have a clear niche, it’s easy to stay focused on creating videos. Same with knowing your audience, then you will be able to create videos that they can enjoy watching or solve their problems. If you don’t have a niche and you don’t know your audience, you can feel very lost in your YouTube journey, not sure what video to create next to attract views.

    So, set yourself up for success by writing down your niche and your target audience.

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