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Should I start a youtube channel as a mental health therapist?
Have you been debating whether to start a YouTube channel or not? There are a lot of perks in this–free publicity, opportunities for marketing, making money from advertisement revenue, and possibly...
What to do When No One is Watching my Youtube Videos
You spent hours filming your videos, and then hours editing your videos.  You were trying to provide the best values and you know people out there can benefit from watching your videos.  However,...
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Youtube monetization strategies for therapists
Mental health therapists can monetize their YouTube channel in various ways. This can be beneficial if you are trying to get additional income streams from YouTube. Here are 10 strategies you can consider...
how to best position yourself on Youtube as a mental health therapist
Have you ever wondered what type of YouTube Channel you should have? How can you best position yourself with the background of being a therapist in order for you to stand out? When I first started...
How to combat Youtube burnout
Combatting YouTube Burnout: Strategies for Content Creators YouTube has become a platform where countless content creators share their passion, knowledge, and creativity with the world. While it’s...